Fertility Spotlight: Omega 3 EFAs
When we think hormones, we think healthy fats. But not all fats are created equal! Omega 3 is the therapeutic King, which is why we’d like to shine some light on it now for you. Omega 3 fatty acids EPA & DHA are both found in small oily fish, and each have their own unique role in our bodies. One of EPA’s primary roles in the body is to dampen inflammatory process, while DHA is considered a major structural component of brain, eyes and nervous system. This combined action of EPA & DHA omega 3s works to reduce the inflammatory stress that our bodies are continually challenged by (from pollution, caffeine, fried foods, alcohol, stress, excess weight etc.), whilst also providing structural integrity for optimal hormonal production and receptor function.
Clinically, we see fish oil work it’s magic every day, reducing PMS, skin breakouts, improving skin barrier function, dampening period pain or ovulation pain, and promoting more regular ovulation.
Increasing your consumption of oily fish to 3-4 serves per week has some gentle therapeutic potential. Small oily fish such as sardines, herring, blue mackerel, anchovies, blue eyed cod, salmon (wild caught), flathead and snapper are recommended as they are both low in mercury and contain a number of other fertility enhancing nutrients such as protein, iodine, calcium, and zinc. Supplementation is also a simple and effective way to ensure you are reaching the therapeutic level of EPA & DHA.
Book in for a consultation or speak to us when choosing a brand of fish oil, to ensure you are receiving a therapeutic dose for your particular situation, as well as a purchasing a pure and sustainably sourced product.
Wishing you all peace & happiness.
Yours in good health,
Tabitha x