Fertility and Weight Control

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Being both underweight and overweight can have a significant impact of hormone balance and consequently menstrual cycle rhythm. Clinically, in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) who are also overweight, research and clinical practice both show that just a drop of 5% of body weight can result in more regular ovulation.

On the other hand however, being underweight and having low intake of healthy dietary fats can compromise hormone production, and can be a significant contributor to  menstrual irregularities. This is common to amenorrhea (absence of periods) and also irregular ovulation.

Ensuring regular intake of clean healthy fats and adequate body fat levels 0f between 19-26% will therefore assist in balancing hormones and regulating your menstrual cycle. If you feel you’d like some input and advice with your diet and how it can support menstrual regularity,

Wishing you all peace & happiness. 

Yours in good health,

Tabitha x

Tabitha McIntosh