Fertility and Irregular Menstrual Cycles

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Something we see all the time at awaken your health is women experiencing irregular menstrual cycles. Whether they’re just coming off the oral contraceptive pill, are trying to conceive, or are wanting to reduce bothersome symptoms of hormonal fluctuations such as pre-menstrual anxiety, mood swings and weight gain (sound familiar?); we see it all.

Most women agree that they feel their best with a regular and balanced menstrual cycle. Whilst it’s crucial to uncover the underlying cause of menstrual irregularities through particular investigations and thorough case taking of corresponding symptoms, there are some simple baseline steps that can be taken to promote a regular and problem-free cycle.

In our fertility blog series, we explore these steps and share a weekly tip on how to get some harmony into your hormones creating a balanced and regular menstrual cycle. Hurrah!

Using a period App to track your cycle- this daily ritual of checking in with your body -which takes no more than 2 minutes –  allows you to assess what’s happening in your body. You may wish to take note of symptoms such as breast tenderness, food cravings, changes to appetite, moodiness, brown spotting before your menstrual flow, the heaviness of your bleed, and so on.

Cultivating this body awareness by keeping a record of your cycle provides valuable information to share with us to your next consultation, and helps you mentally work towards your intention of having a regular cycle. It may also be interesting to note where you are in relation to the moon’s cycle. While the theory is largely founded on traditional beliefs, it is believed that women are more likely to ovulate on the full moon and menstruate on the new moon, due to the impact of changing moonlight on your ovulation timing. I for one, also have a moon / lunar app on my iPhone which helps me be aware of where I am at in relation to the moon’s cycle.

Luckily, technology makes recording these symptoms and changes so simple. Using a menstrual tracking app allows you to quickly enter in this information, which is stored conveniently on your phone, tied in with your iCal.  A good app will chart your cycles, predict fertile windows and inform you when you are due to menstruate. Sound convenient? We think so too! Some apps to check out include:

Kindra fertility awareness app

P Tracker app

For more information on tracking your cycle and understanding your menstrual patterns book in for a consultation.

Wishing you all peace & happiness. 

Yours in good health,

Tabitha x

Tabitha McIntosh