Bodhiya Method™ of Pilates – a Gift to Your Body
I wanted to share with you something really cool that I have discovered this last 12 months – a very clever Pilates method developed by a friend of mine Scott. I interviewed Scott below to help you understand how he might be able to help you (as he has me), with those niggly little pains and imbalances that so many of us suffer with day to day.
So Scott, what is the Bodhiya Method™ of Pilates?
Bohdiya is revolutionary, cutting edge corrective exercise. It’s a non-equipment based whole body integrative corrective exercise routine that I have meticulously designed and developed over the past 8 years. It is my life’s work!
This individualised programme provides perfect toning and deep conditioning without the risk of haphazard or repetitive strain that can often be encountered in other exercise regimes. The aim is for the whole body to quickly become functionally strong yet supple, integrated, aligned and balanced.
Bohdiya streamlines my client’s exercise time and brings about athletic longevity and a healthy, better balanced musculoskeletal system. It enhances the body’s ability for natural, instinctual free flowing movement. It’s extremely gentle on the body though and achieves amazing and lasting results.
In every session almost every muscle is activated, lengthened, strengthened and toned. Over time it seems to recondition the body from the inside out making aches and pains a thing of the past. It’s a healthy and lasting movement education for life that is comprised of a 45min routine that once learned, and explored as your own, has the potential to add 10-20 years to a person’s athletic life.
Bohdiya offers a life time of physical benefits & sporting adaptations, excellent posture and a greater sense of self-confidence and wellbeing….
Refer to Scott’s website for more on the benefits of Bohdiya…
Injury Resolution
Sports Performance
(you can also see a video on his home page, of me singing his praises after my third ten pack of visits with him in his Paddington Studio).
What do you see from your clients?
The shift I see in my clients is truly amazing as they progress through the program. Their confidence to get better increases, so does their determination to see it through as they experience more and more cumulative benefits.
I see major transformations in my clients within a few short weeks, many having come from disappointment of the past and concern for the future to an all new understanding of self-reliance.
They know it as a complete strength conditioning program that has you feeling better instead of worse and often claim that they’re ‘now feeling safe within their own body’.
It’s well known in the physical rehab and corrective exercise industry that people don’t seem to find time to do their exercises prescribed by their physical practitioners, so often our job satisfaction is caught up in how well we can help others to help themselves. We all know there’s probably real benefits in doing all of the exercises prescribed by our practitioners and we’d be looking and feeling amazing for it, though to find the time, let alone fastening the thinking cap and entering that zone whereby we’ll actually do it… it seems there’s always that gap and it hardly ever gets done, or done at all well.
Over the 8yrs that Bohdiya has evolved my body has honestly come to feeling 20yrs younger. My intention was to create a programme that felt good and eliminated any hurdles to actually doing it. Staring a session is made easy, it can simply be an inner knowing that speaks to our wellness intuition.
Bohdiya doesn’t require anything to get started, no equipment is necessary. It’s an enjoyable unfolding into movement, it’s time out for yourself well spent. Through the positions and the principles the method speaks clearly and precisely to anywhere that we’re carrying tension, injury or unrelenting emotion.
This really is a great opportunity for those who are ready to commit to themselves.
What I can promise my clients is that if they are ready for this rewarding journey into a lifetime of self-guided physical conditioning, then they’ll never look back.
Click here to speak with Scott or to book your first session, you’ll thank yourself for doing so 😉
m: 0400 826 768
About Scott
Scott is a Californian trained, internationally certified Pilates teacher.
Scott Matthews completed his Diploma of Studio Pilates training in 1999. He also obtained a Diploma of Remedial Massage in 1995.
Scott has designed programs for several of Sydney’s most respected corrective exercise specialists and has taught Pilates within some of Sydney’s best Pilates rehabilitation clinics.
While working with hundreds of students and achieving outstanding results, Scott’s own unique techniques developed resulting in this entirely new method, Bohdiya. He now runs specialist private Pilates and Bohdiya sessions from his Centennial Park studio.
Tabitha X